Inmmigrant Visa
Welcome to the Consular Electronic Application Center – Immigrant/Diversity Visa portal. To access your case, please enter your case number below.
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AUTHORITIES: The information sought is pursuant to 8 U.S.C. 1201-1202.
PURPOSE: The information solicited on this form will be used by consular officers to determine an applicant's eligibility for a visa.
ROUTINE USES: The information on this form may be shared with federal, state, and local government agencies, members of Congress, and officials of foreign governments in accordance with certain approved routine uses. More information on the Routine Uses for the system can be found in the System of Records Notice State-39, Visa Records.
DISCLOSURE: Although providing this information is voluntary, failure to provide the information requested on this form may result in the applicant's inability to receive an immigrant or nonimmigrant visa.
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